And so the first season ends

The first year of our garden has gone by, and what an amazing amount we have achieved, in getting the permission and then pulling together as a community to build, plant and harvest everything in our little corner of the Matai Road Reserve. The history is (mostly) captured in the blog posts below, but for a slideshow of the highlights check out the MCGG – Chairman’s Report 2016, which I presented at our AGM on 31 March. Minutes of the meeting can be found here . I am happy to announce myself, Heather Dawson, Emma Atkins and Yvonne van Leeuwen will be serving our members again as your committee.


Hannah and Rebekah surveying our nice tidy garden on 3 April

Following the AGM, we’ve had a great great big garden clear out – the last of the tomatoes are ripening on the table, and their beds have been planted in mustard, broad beans and lupins to help improve the soil. The next to go will be the dwarf beans, that are well and truly done. Our next crop of silverbeet, spinach and cos lettuce are already ready to harvest – please help yourselves. The next event is a school holidays workshop with Hannah Zwartz on Friday 29 April. Upcoming projects this winter  include establishing a noticeboard, completing our rainbarrel installation and setting up the bathtubs as herb beds. More on all this soon.

Finally, it’s time for members to renew their subs for the coming year. Please pay your $20 into the Garden account – details here – and let our treasurer Emma know by email ( We’ll issue a receipt for your records. Thanks!


1 thought on “And so the first season ends

  1. Hannah Zwartz

    Congratulations everyone! I know it has been a lot of hard work but you have one of the tidiest and prettiest community gardens I’ve seen. Now it’s time to think about a wishlist for workshops for the coming year so let me know if you have requests.



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